Hi, this is Yueyuan (Mercury) Zheng. I am currently a final-year Ph.D. student in cognitive psychology supervised by Prof. Janet Hsiao at the Department of Psychology, University of Hong Kong. I obtained my MPhil degree in cognitive psychology supervised by Prof. Janet Hsiao and Bachelor degree in Psychology at University of Hong Kong in 2021 and 2018, respectively.

For more information, check out my CV here.

Research interests

I am interested in understanding how humans perceive and respond to the world using behavioral, eye-tracking, and computational approaches. For example, I investigate how multimodal information influences human visual strategies and further contributes to their behavioral performance (in scenarios such as multimedia learning and audiovisual emotion perception). I also try to simulate human perception and cognition using artificial neural networks to better understand patterns and mechanisms of human behaviors.

Keywords: Visual Cognition, Science of Learning, Emotion, Computational Modeling.

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Feel free to contact me through email if you would like to communicate!

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